The school’s music programme offers a number of opportunities for students to develop and extend their talents. The aim of our school music programme is to expose students of all musical abilities to a range of musical experiences, in an attempt to extend their musical knowledge. The school places great emphasis on enabling and encouraging all students to perform to an audience.
Visual Art
Visual Art is one of four disciplines in the Arts in New Zealand Curriculum. Students will apply their knowledge of elements and principles to make objects and images, and will generate and develop visual ideas in response to a variety of motivations. They will do so using imagination, observation, and conventions with materials. Emphasis is also placed on their interpretation of ideas - both of their own, and of other's work.

Technology at Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School focuses on the aims outlined in the Technology Curriculum Document. These aims include; Technological Knowledge and Understanding, Technological Capability, and Technology and Society.
At PNINS, we teach at the level of the individual child, and allow for extension and personal growth as the child develops. Our technology programmes at PNINS allow for learning opportunities in the following areas of technology; Food Technology, Structures & Mechanisms, Hard Materials Technology, Soft Materials Technology and Info Com. These areas link with the curriculum subjects of Mathematics, English, Science, Social Sciences, The Arts, and Health and Physical Well Being.
The school’s specialist science programme aims to give all students an opportunity to work in a laboratory environment - exploring science within the context of the material and physical world. These lessons take place in our science lab, where we strongly emphasise the correct use of existing safety procedures.

International Languages
Year 7 and 8 students have the option to learn an international language, as part of our after school International Language Programme.
This programme runs during terms 2 and 3 from 3.30pm – 4.30pm, across several afternoons per week.
The programme is set at Level 1 of the Language Curriculum, and aims to give students a solid introduction to an international language of their choice.
Involvement in this programme enables students to make informed choices when selecting language options for secondary level.
Languages offered previously are below, and are subject to availability of tutors.