Our focus is to develop a caring school wide culture in which positive behaviour, respectful relationships and learning thrives.
At PNINS we have a number of ways to positively reward students for doing the right thing. We reward students as individuals, in teams and as a whole school in a structured approach to ensure that our school is a positive place to learn.
These are given out frequently to students who are showing the ‘Key to Success’ - Getting Along, Organisation, Confidence, Resilience, or Persistence that the school is focussing on and learning about. These Taukeys are discs that get placed into a Key container outside the staffroom.
School Awards
The whole school achieves a reward when the ‘Key’ we are focussing on has a full Key container. Rewards may be a mufti day, a school movie afternoon, or even a juicey - the school gets to vote for the reward.
School Postcards
These are sent home to personalise an acknowledgement of success for individual students - they come via ‘snail mail’ - there is a rip off chit for the student to bring back to the school office to receive a reward.
Valuable Person Awards (VPs)
When teachers notice individuals doing the right thing by using the 5 Keys to Success in school they will be awarded a VP - a copy of these go into a barrel, from there 10 are drawn out at the Monday morning Communications Assembly where those students are celebrated with a Principal Certificate and pen.
Keno Awards
Once students have achieved 4 VPs they will receive a Keno Chit which goes into the Keno Box. Each term 10 names are drawn from the Keno Box and those students receive a reward from the Principal at our final term Communications Assembly. Their entry remains in the Keno Box for the year, so they can have multiple entries.
Team Points
Each team receives points for every VP each student receives, these are calculated and shared each week at the Wednesday Communications Assembly. Other opportunities to receive Team Points come from participating in schoolwide Sports (Swimming Sports, Cross Country and Athletics), also from School Challenges like Team Chants, Corridor Displays and Presentation.
Team Merit Awards
These are awarded by Class Teachers at every Monday Communications Assembly (1 per class) - these are for students who are showing the school values (Keys to Success) and for students showing growth and development in one of our 5 dimensions to learning (Citizenship, Academia, Sports, Cultural and Performing Arts).
Wordle Boards
Displayed in Te Tihi, Getting along (Tuhono), Resilience (Aumangea) and Confidence (Maia)